Interesting Crossover as CGI TVShow.
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Interesting Crossover as CGI TVShow.
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I was honored to have this article published about my friendship with Ray Bradbury.
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Sci Fi book in progress
Amazon Protectors
Jul 27, 2037, San Diego, CA, US
Percy was your average guy, he worked 9-5, bought groceries, and walked home, however, fate had a different plan. Percy watched as he was picked up and suddenly felt intense pain in his cerebral cortex. Then he woke to a man standing before him. The man said his name was Professor Bill Harvan.”Why would you tell me that?” Percy questioned. “Because I know everything about you, but you don’t know about me.” Harvan began. Percy scoffed. “What do you know about me?”. Harvan shook his head. “Where do I begin? Percy Peterson was born in Sidney, MT on Mar 11, 2012, and met the love of his life while only in grade school. The couple moved to San Deigo, CA in 2030, 5 years passed until She cheated, and kicked you out.” Harvan smiled. “Percy got a 9-5 job for 2 years until he was chosen as an experiment by the smartest man on Earth. a.k.a. Me.” “What experiment?!” Percy blurted. Harvan smiled bigger. He pressed a button and a large tank rose from the floor. Percy could see a fish of some kind in the tank. “What’s in there?” Percy asked. “A large Hammerhead Shark” Harvan responded, without looking up from his monitor. Percy’s eyes widened. “What are you going to do with it?” Harvan walked to the animal. “You’ll see…”. Percy saw Harvan pull out a syringe and seemingly take blood from the shark. At this moment, Percy realized he had shackles on his arms and legs, tying him to a table. He watched as Harvan stuck the syringe in a small tube with a glowing green liquid, only then did he see the green ooze was connected to two long tubes that ended at his arm shackles. Harvan flipped a switch that caused this ooze to slide through the tubes into his arms. It hurt for a moment, but only for a moment. Harvan watched in amazement as Percy’s dark skin turned a pale blue in a matter of seconds. Percy knew what was happening, slowly his body morphed and changed, and his face became unrecognizable. Percy could only watch as his body became something he never wanted. He was the shark- well not exactly, while his morphology DID look like a shark, they were still quite different. As Percy could see his arms and legs still existed, they looked shark-like. He was just a hammerhead shark mutant now. “I’ve done it! Finally I perfected the mutagen!!” cried Harvan, grabbing all his fragile supplies. “I SHOULD KILL YOU FOR THIS!!” Percy screamed as he broke free of his shackles. “And yet, you’re not… let me show you something.” Harvan walked Percy to the lab's control room. Percy was confused. “But I thought control rooms were only on ships?” Harvan smiled. “Ah, but they are…” With a pull of a red lever, the entire room started to shake violently. Percy held it tightly the whole time, he could tell the whole building was moving upward. His eyes shut tight. Soon, the room calmed down. Percy opened his eyes. “Where are we?” He asked. “Approximately 12,729 feet in the air” Harvan replied. “Here, take this.” Harvan handed Percy a small water tank with a shark-shaped mask. Percy looked in confusion. “I’m used to these heights, but you’re not. Especially in this body, which will barely be able to breathe on land soon, once your organs fully mutate,” Harvan explained.
“It’s been 16 hours, where ARE WE?!” Percy asked looking through his window. “Control: Autopilot,” Harvan commanded. “Where are we going?” Percy asked as Harvan walked him down the hall. Harvan proceeded to open a large hatch. “This is your stop,” Harvan replied, as he kicked Percy off the ship and into the Brazilian-Atlantic Ocean. “Time to go to Phase 2 of Project: Mutant,” Harvan said smirkingly.
Chapter 1- Transformation
Jul 12, 2044, Edmonton, AB, CA
Five people were hanging around a treehouse. “Let’s go up!” said one of the guys. “Oh come on, Tyler, you are terrified of heights.” said another. “Not something 7ft in the air, ya moron!” Tyler pointed to the treehouse. “I’m going up,” said Mikai. “Wait for me!” cried Alex. The group went up to the tree house.
Meanwhile… “I need five more subjects on Project: Mutant,” Harvan said. “Deploy the R.E.T!” Harvan commanded. Suddenly, a small ball-like object flew out from the bottom of the ship. He could hear it say “Retrieve” in a robotic voice.
Meanwhile… “Oh come on!” Antonio yelled. “Give it back!” “No way!” cried Raime. “You hit me with a ruler!” she continued. "It's called a Nun-stick, dammit!" The two bickered for a moment. “Alright enough!” Tyler yelled. “We’re 18 years old and y’all actin’ like toddlers!” He continued. Suddenly, a loud sound beamed toward them. Then, a thick layer of smog filled the room. “What’s happening?” Mikai asked. The tree shook before crashing down. The five crawled out of the collapsed house. A large ball with arms and legs came out of the smog. Alex could see its large lit-up eye in the middle of its face. It had no facial features except a red glowing light on its face that seemed to be a Retinal Scanner. Antonio could only look at its dark seaweed green paint that chipped here and there. Suddenly, it spoke. “Encapsulate,” it said before opening like a Pokeball, its aluminum foil tube-like arms stretched out to grab Tyler. Tyler was thrown into the R.E.T. with force, knocking him out. This was the same with Mikai, Alex, and Raime until everyone was in the R.E.T. It spoke again. “Transport,” it said, again with a robotic voice, before blasting off seemingly onto Harvan’s ship.
“Finally, the Retrieve. Encapsulate. Transport Robot did it!” Mikai could barely hear somebody from outside the ball. Before he could find out who they were, he passed out from altitude sickness.
He eventually awoke in front of Harvan. “Hello, my name is Professor Bill Harvan.” He said, but Mikai wasn’t listening, he looked around him, everyone else was awake, they were all tied to shackles with small tubes running into their arm shackles. The “Retrieve Encapsulate Transport” thing was next to Harvan. There was a desk behind Harvan. There were all sorts of trinkets and substances he didn’t recognize. A computer was open on the desk, and Mikai could barely see that it was a CIA site. A file was pulled up on Raime. Five cages of tropical-looking animals lay behind Harvan as well. “Tyler, you're the leader of this little group, no?” “Ye-yeah…?” Tyler said hesitantly. Havan picked up a syringe with an animal's blood in it. Harvan stuck the syringe into a tube of green ooze. He pulled out some of the green ooze and stuck the syringe in Tyler. Tyler’s skin became orange, hair started to grow hair everywhere, and a tail started to grow out. Soon, his whole body was unrecognizable, he was a tiger mutant now. “Your turn, boy,” Harvan said despicably to Mikai. Harvan picked up another syringe, put it in the ooze, and stuck it in Mikai’s arm. His whole body went numb with pain, and his short black curly hair disappeared in seconds. His skin felt like sandpaper and his eyes went weird. He could see way more now! He was a chameleon mutant now. Alex noticed the computer. “Why are you on the CIA’s site?!” He asked, nervously. “I was once in the CIA. Now, I'm AWOL.” He replied. “I know just the animal for you.” He began. Again, he picked up a syringe and put it in the ooze. He then stuck it in Alex’s arm. Alex’s skin became dark, with spots dotted around. Hair grew fast. His notable glasses fell off, and a tail grew. He was a black leopard now. The three grew to be seven feet tall. Antonio tried to rip his shackles off. “Oh, you're a burly one.” Again, Harvan picked up the syringe and the same process followed. Antonio’s back grew giant, curled spikes. His skin turned murky green, and as he grew a tail, a shell-like armor formed around his body. He was now a snapping turtle mutant. “Last, but certainly not least…” Harvan picked up the final syringe, the process took its course, and Raime began transforming. Her skin was bright blue, and her fingers moved down her arm. Her legs turned a scaly black, with feathers growing everywhere. She was now a macaw mutant. “Release the hydrogen cyanide!” Harvan commanded. The R.E.T then released a gas, unlike the smog from the treehouse. All five were knocked out.
They later woke up in a giant cell. “You guys alright?” said a white figure. Finally, their vision returned. The white figure was a giant snowshoe hare mutant. “So you were captured too, huh?” They said. “Sorry, but, who exactly are you?” Mikai responded. “Names Snowshoe.” He said. He pointed to a 10-foot-tall polar bear mutant. “That’s Polaris,” He continued. “That’s Sealix,” He said as he pointed to the harp seal mutant. “That’s Owletalon” He pointed to a snowy owl mutant. “That’s Erminer, & Commander.” He pointed to an Arctic wolf mutant and an ermine mutant. Hi’s and hello’s were passed around. “So wait,” Alex said. “Those are your real names?” “Wha-No, no, no, no,” Sealix said. “These are our NEW names.” “New?” Mikai chimed in. “Really?” “Yes, you need new names too?” Sealix asked. “Sure, I guess?” Tyler said. “I guess I can be Slap Tongue,” Mikai said. “Cuz’ you know, I'll slap you with my tongue?” Slap Tongue proceeded to bitch-slap Antonio with his chameleon tongue. “Tiger Claw, I guess? I can’t think of anything better.” Tyler said. “How about the Snapper?” Antonio said. “That’s pretty un-creative,” Owletalon said. “I’ll do you one better,” Raime said with confidence. “How about Macawxi?” “That’s better than Snapper’s name,” Slap Tongue said. “Watch, a professional, at work. Alex said. “Darkness.” Everyone shot him dirty looks. “Okay, that one’s bad in a bad way.” He said. “How about Spot?” Alex asked “Sure, It’s better than Darkness.” said Tiger Claw. “ Like even Snapper/Antonio’s name was better than “Darkness”.” Spot looks around “Look, there’s a camera.” Slap Tongue looks at it. “You’re a chameleon, right?” Snowshoe asked. “Ye-yeah?” Slap Tongue responds. “Can’t you camouflage and take it out?” “I can try.” Slap Tongue proceeds to disappear in front of their very eyes. Suddenly the camera twisted and turned until it fell to the floor. Slap Tongue reappeared and dropped back down. “Eh, Snapper, right?” Polaris asked “Yeah?” Snapper responds “Curl into your shell,” He said. “Uh-Okay?” Snapper popped all of his limbs into his shell “Now, what?” He said from his shell. “Brace yourself.” Polaris said. He picked up Snapper and threw him towards the cell door. “We’re free!” Spot yelled. Everyone crawled out of the hole Snapper’s shell made. “The amory!” Slap Tongue pointed to a sign. Everyone ran to the Armory Room. “How do we unlock it?” Owletalon asked. Snapper and Polaris looked at each other. Polaris threw Snapper at the door. It did not work. “I think I have an idea.” Spot looked at the lock. “Gimme!” Spot took a screwdriver and picked it up. Spot fiddled with the lock for a bit, then it unlocked. “Access Granted,” it said. Everyone ran in. Polaris grabbed a cattle prod and 2 sickles. “Snapper! Catch!” Snapper then caught the two sickles. Slap Tongue grabs two bo staffs and throws one to Spot. Tiger Claw grabs two katanas and their holsters. Owletalon and Macawxi fly up to grab a crossbow and bow and arrow respectively, and grab quivers full of arrows. Commander grabs a whaling harpoon, while Sealix, Ermine, and Snowshoe each grab a blaster and narwhal lance. Meanwhile… from a hidden camera, Harvan watches the whole thing unfold. “Dammit!” Harvan yells and slams his table. He reaches for a button. A room door opens down the hall from the armory. Three robotic beings come out of the room. A commlink turns on in their audio receptors. “Alpha, Charlie, Echo” Harvan says from their links. “GET THEM!” They run towards the control room where Harvan is. Alpha guards the door and gives Charlie & Echo a signal. Charlie and Echo’s left hands transform into guns as they bust down the door. “What are you doing you bafoons?! They’re not in here!” Harvan yells.” We’re done taking orders from you.” Charlie says in a robotic voice as it blasts a hole through Harvan and Hits the flight controls. “Wha- What have- What, have you done?!” Harvan says in a weak voice. Then, Harvan fell. The whole ship shook violently. Echo looked out the window. “We’re going down!!” It said as it ran out of the room. Charlie then tried to run out of the room too. Unfortunately, Alpha shut the door on it, blasting the lock so it was unbreachable. “It’s about time I take my place as the rightful leader!” Alpha said. “Echo, turn on Bravo, Delta, and Foxtrot.” “Yes, Alpha” Echo responded as they ran down the hall. “What about Harvan?” Charlie asked from the other side of the door. “He’s dead.” Alpha responded. “He’s not my problem. You’re the one who shot him.” Alpha said. “Hey. While you’re in there, where’s this place crash landing exactly?” Alpha asked. “The Amazon Rainforest.” Charlie responded.
Meanwhile… The mutant group walked out of the armory. Commander & Polaris whispered to each other “I can’t wait to watch the newbies’ faces when they find out we’re just using them.” Commander said. “I know right?” Polaris responded. They both laughed out loud. “What’s so funny?” Tiger Claw asked. “Oh- Nothin’ man. This dude is funny as hell.” Commander said. “I’ll have to hear one when we get off this ship.” Tiger Claw said. “Hey, is the ship shaking to y’all at all?” Slap Tongue asked. “Kinda,” Owletalon responded. “Look!” Spot said. They all watched Echo run to the Robotic Storage room. “No, you don’t!” Spot yelled as he clotheslined Echo with his bo staff. “Twenty Seconds to Impact,” A robotic speaker said. “WHAT?!” Erminer yelled. They all look for a way out. “Ten Seconds to Impact,” It said again. Tiger Claw reaches for the hatch. “Five Seconds to Impact” A violent shake in the ship knocks Tiger Claw over. Everyone runs for the hatch, but it’s too late. The whole ship crashes.
Jul 17, 2044, Amazon Rainforest, AM, BR
A while later… “Ough…” Slap Tongue groans “What happened?” Slap Tongue, Snapper, Polaris, Owletalon, & Sealix lay outside, while Tiger Claw, Macawxi, Spot, Commander, Snowshoe, & Erminer were still on the ship. A giant hole lay in the side of the ship. The entire front of the ship was crushed. Anyone in the control room was dead. Everyone woke up one by one. “God, it’s hotter than hell!” Sealix said. “I’ll try to find something.” Slap Tongue said. They hopped back on the ship. “What the hell?!” Slap Tongue screamed as he came across Echo. It pulled out its gun and was ready to shoot Slap Tongue. Slap Tongue pulled out their bo staff at the last second at shoved it into the gun’s barrel. With a shower of sparks, the gun exploded seemingly killing Echo and destroying the bo staff. Slap Tongue went back to the Armory Room. Slap Tongue looked around until he saw a battle axe. He grabbed it along with a holster he found. He then walked back out. “What now?!” Slap Tongue exclaimed as he witnessed Alpha was single-handedly kicking the shit out of his whole team. Macawxi and Spot were both knocked out. Slap Tongue pulled out his battle axe and with a heavy swing, lodged it in the side of Alpha’s head. Alpha’s retinal scanners went dark and with a “THUD”, Alpha’s body fell to the ground. Commander looked at Alpha’s dead body, then at Polaris, Snowshoe, Sealix, Erminer, & Owetalon. “Now,” he said. Unexpectedly, Polaris pulled out a shard of metal from the ship. “Sorry, brother.” He said as he chopped Snapper’s left arm off and knocked him out. Commander fought with Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw dodged all of his weapon attacks and even landed a blow to the abdomen. However, Commander caught on, gave up on his weapon, and used melee attacks. He landed a permanent scratch on the right eye, cutting his right ear, tearing half of his left ear off, and adding three permanent scratches to his left arm. Tiger Claw fell to the floor too after being knocked out. Slap Tongue faced a three v one. He instantly turned invisible and landed a direct punch on Sealix, before Snowshoe shot at him, hitting his tail, and turning him visible again. Slap Tongue was also thrown on the floor. “What about Spot and Macawxi?” Erminer asked as they walked into the crashed ship. “They’re not a problem, no?” Commander replied as they walked down the hall, passing Echo’s body “No?” Erminer replied. “Okay then.” Said Commander as they reached the mini ship. Polaris, Snowshoe, Sealix, Owletalon, and Erminer board the mini-ship before Commander boards it himself. From the outside Slap Tongue barely sees the mini-ship bast away before he passes out.
A week later… Tiger Claw, Slap Tongue, Snapper, Spot, & Macawxi all wake up one by one. They talk about the “Arctics” betrayal. “They didn’t kill us, or steal our weapons,” Snapper said. “Ugh, just forget it.” Tiger Claw groaned, holding his scratched eye. “Let’s just get supplies from the ship and get the hell out of here.” He said. Everyone walked into the ship. Snapper could barely read “Avalancherius”, covered in mud and dirt on the outside. Spot looked into the Medical Station. “Here we go!” Spot came out of the ship with bandage wraps, blood packs, a bright orange harness-looking thing, and lots of bottles of water. “What’s that?” Snapper pointed to the harness. “That’s for you.” Spot replied. “How?” Snapper asked. Spot looked at Slap Tongue. “Can I borrow your axe?” “Sure…?” Slap Tongue replied. Slap Tongue handed Spot his axe. Spot then walked to Alpha’s body, and carried it back to the group. Spot then chopped Alpha’s left forearm off, releasing a blue liquid. Spot attached the harness to it. “Stand still,” Spot said as he put the harnessed arm onto Snapper. “Try it out.” Snapper proceeded to move his left arm around, and the robotic arm followed suit. He then moved his fingers, and it did exactly what he wanted. He then did challenging moves such as spinning his sickles and timing the catch. It did exactly what he wanted again. “It’s perfect Spot!” Spot then proceeded to tend to the others. “Let me see your eye.” Spot said to Tiger Claw. Tiger Claw proceeded to move his hand, revealing a large slash mark across his eyelid. “Now open it,” Spot said. Tiger Claw then opened his eye, showing his sclera was a deep purple, and his iris was a round pink, different from his usual snake-like eyes. “Ok, I'm gonna put this around your eye so it heals ok?” Spot asked. Tiger Claw gave a nod. Afterward, Slap Tongue confronted Spot. “Did you see any robots in there?” He asked. Spot shot him a look of confusion. “No…” “Not even that one you clotheslined?” He asked again. “Nope.” Spot went back inside and saw burn marks on the floor and the Robotic Storage door wide open. He went into the room. Storage pods labeled “Alpha”, “Bravo”, “Charlie”, “Delta”, “Echo”, and “Foxtrot” were empty. Only the R.E.T. was still in confinement. Spot picked up a handheld blaster. “This is for kidnapping my friends!” Spot yelled as he shot the pod, blowing up the R.E.T. The blaster started to cackle before blowing up itself. Spot then walked back out of the ship. “Everything okay?! We heard an explosion!” Macawxi said. “What about the robots?!” Slap Tongue asked. “The one right here is Alpha, Charlie’s tracker shows he’s in the front of the ship, so they’re both dead. But Bravo, Delta, Echo, & Foxtrot are gone, left without a trace.” Spot said. “Their trackers were somewhere south though, far south.” “And the R.E.T.?” Snapper asked. “That was the explosion you guys heard. It’s offline.” Spot responded. Everyone let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, now let’s get the hell out of here.” Tiger Claw said. They all followed Snapper towards the beach. “We want to get away from prying eyes, not closer.” Spot said with attitude. “You know I’m not best with directions! North, east, south, west, they’re all the same!” Snapper snapped back. Before they could get into another argument, Tiger Claw quickly defused the situation. Suddenly, a loud SPLASH came from the surface of the water, and a large hammerhead shark mutant arose from the water. “WHAT DID I TELL YOU HUMAN-Wait, you’re no humans. You’re mutants, other mutants!” “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” It said. “I’m sorry, but who are you?” Macawxi asked. “Oops, where are my manners? My name’s Hammerbite. Previously, Percy until I met a mysterious scientist named… Harvan? Yeah, I think it was Harvan. He turned me into this monster, before kicking me off his flying ship. Wait are you guys… from him too?” “Unfortunately.” Tiger Claw responded. “When were you mutated?” Slap Tongue asked. “Couple weeks ago?” Spot asked. “Nah, like seven years ago,” Hammerbite said. “Damn!” Snapper said. “The first day we got mutated, the whole ship went down.” “Nice, is he- uh… you know?” “Yeah, he's most likely dead.” Tiger Claw said. “Well, it was nice to talk to y’all but, I'm gonna dip, see ya,” said Hammerbite before dipping back into the ocean.
Man it's sooo dead here💀 but imma get start editing here.
What If: In future A.I are Become The God like Entity even They make God like entity. A.I Control time space reality. Even They make VERSE in Factory. The factory where All verse was export and import. Game engine become so Advanced and powerful. They make simulation inner Simulation inner Simulation infinite. They lived in Higher dimensions even A factory where higher dimension are created. Sounds lol but everything can possible. They make a brain. A.I in time Where Verse dimension don't exist They make own verse and higher dimensions for their need
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