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Akellan Macet
Born: {{{Birthday}}}
Status: {{{Status}}}
Other names: none
Race: Cardassian
Homeworld: Cardassian Union
Universe: Star Trek
Actor: Marc Alaimo

Gul Akellan Macet was a Cardassian military officer, who was assigned as commander of the Galor-class warship Trager. As a response to the destruction of a Cardassian outpost by the USS Phoenix, he ordered his ship to attack the USS Enterprise-D. His ship was no match for the Galaxy-class Enterprise, so he was forced to agree to a truce after his ship was disabled.

Macet then began cooperating with Captain Jean-Luc Picard in a hunt for the Phoenix, which was believed to have gone rogue under the orders of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Macet brought two of his officers with him, Glinns Daro and Telle. In the interest of peace after the recent treaty was signed ending the Federation-Cardassian War, Macet punished Telle after he attempted to access secured systems aboard the Enterprise. In the end the Phoenix was caught and returned to Federation space. Picard then relayed Maxwell’s allegations of a new Cardassian buildup to Macet with the warning “we’ll be watching”.

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