
The Cardassian Guard was the military agency of the Cardassian Union. The Guard was divided up into at least twelve orders and several militias, which included Cardassian Militia 41.

Members of the guard were trained at the Cardassian Military Academy. The Guard’s authority came from the Cardassian Central Command from the 19th century until 2372. With the overthrow of the Central Command, the Guard’s authority came from the new civilian government set up by the Cardassian dissident movement. Gul Dukat was then appointed as the Guard’s liaison to the Detapa Council.

When the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion Dukat was placed in command of the Guard as well as the Dominion fleets, with Weyoun checking all of his decisions. When Dukat was captured by the Federation forces after the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine he lost his status as leader of the Cardassian people and the Guard. Dukat’s successor Legate Damar retained limited control over the Guard, but was often overruled by the Female Changeling and Weyoun. When Damar decided to lead the Cardassian Rebellion Legate Broca was appointed to succeed him. Broca allowed the Female Changeling and Weyoun complete control over the Guard, and simply followed their orders.

It is unknown what happened to the Cardassian Guard after the Dominion War ended.
